• 21st SEAPAVAA CONFERENCE, April 3rd-8th, 2017, Manila, Philippines: CALL FOR TRAVEL GRANT APPLICATIONS

    RFL has agreed to offer sponsorship to theĀ 21st SEAPAVAA ConferenceĀ in April 2017, the second consecutive year that this support will be offered.Ā SEAPAVAAĀ (SouthEast Asia-Pacific AudioVisual Archive Association) is an association of organisations and individuals dedicated to the development for audiovisual archiving in Southeast Asia and the Pacific to preserve access to the region’s rich audiovisual heritage. The theme of the 2017 conference will be “Imagining an AV Archive of the Future.Ā RFL sponsorship will help support five competent professionals with lesser financial resources to participate in the conference, held this year in Manila, Philippines.


    January 6, 2017 / Secretariat / Comments Off on 21st SEAPAVAA CONFERENCE, April 3rd-8th, 2017, Manila, Philippines: CALL FOR TRAVEL GRANT APPLICATIONS

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