Hello friends, colleagues, and partners!
As we navigate a second year of a virtual gathering, SEAPAVAAās 26th e-conference presents the opportunity for all of us in Asia and the Pacific to meet with archivists and film professionals from around the world. In what would have been an in-person conference in the Pacific region had it not been for the pandemic, we are taking things in our stride and using the best use of remote platforms to meet with people we would otherwise not have met.
The theme of the conference ā Moving AV Archives Forward ā reflects the embraced spirit that archives are adopting. Plan for sustainability, prepare for what may come, ready to act. Our presenters will be touching on different aspects of preservation, outreach and advocacy, and risk management, to provide ideas and methodologies on ways to progress forward.
We have changed the conference format this year. Day 1 is the only day with formal presentations. Day 2 is allocated for interaction between smaller groups of participants who work in similar environments and who best understand what each other are going through. The idea is to encourage the discussion of the challenging issues and successes that you have experienced and bring about a cross-pollination of ideas, best practices, or training needs amongst peers. Day 3 will be a conclusion of the various takeaways from the day before.
We will also be using a meeting platform that will give participants room to better interact virtually with different groups of people – fellow participants, speakers, and vendors. Please take the chance to explore the platform once you have signed up for the conference and are given the link. We hope the enhanced opportunities for interactivity will lead to a building of bridges that while cannot be fully replicated with physical connections, would still prove to be useful.
Finally, we would like to thank UNESCO for their support of the SEAPAVAA 26th e-conference.
See everyone soon!
Warm regards,
Karen Chan
President (2020-2023)
July 5, 2022 / Secretariat / Comments Off on MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT
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